Power generation ratio performance at offshore wind farms considering turbine location and wind direction

Víctor Gálvez Yanjarí.

JI3 2017, number 9, pages 76-83.



For the purpose of measuring wind turbine efficiency, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) proposes the use of an index known as production-based availability. One variation of the aforementioned index is the Power Generation Ratio (PGR), which is defined as the ratio between total energy produced during the analysis time period and the expected quantity of energy to be produced during the same period. Wind farm efficiency is affected by the wake effect, given that wind power is lost as it passing through a turbine’s rotor blades. This article will examine PGR trends with respect to turbine location in an offshore wind farm, to determine whether the PGR considers the wake effect. Moreover, a turbine classification pertaining to wind direction will be introduced, followed by a power efficiency evaluation comparing turbines grouped according to their location within a wind farm, while evaluating PGR performance during the sample time period. Finally, the article will conclude that turbines influenced by the wake effect have a lower PGR than those which are not, thus proving that the PGR indicator indeed considers the wake effect.

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